What are the steps in the Movement Recovery & Chronic Pain Reset process?

Seven sequential steps of neurological rehabilitation resets the somatotopic maps errors of the brain and reduces the inappropriate tissue protective maps producing pain reset.

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The seven steps of this program are as follow:

1. R& L discrimination
2. Motor Imagery (On/Off Vector)
3. Mirror Neurons (On/Off Vector)
4. Passive Movement (On/Off Vector)
5. Isometrics (On/Off Vector)
6. Active (Off Vector)
7. Active (On Vector) Additionally, from the top down brain hemispericity, vestibular and cerebellar rehabilitation is used.

Who is a candidate for Movement Recovery & Chronic Pain Reset?

Anyone who has had consistent pain in a body part of duration longer than 2 months. Anyone with chronic immobility related to a prior injury where normal range of movement for the body part has not returned shortly after injury. Anyone with chronic head tilt, gait abnormality, balance and coordination dysregulation.

Pain — You have had an injury, What happens next?

The body is actively trying to resolve the local injury. The brain is actively trying to PROTECT the tissue and nerves in the injury area with a tissue protective brain map. The brain Is sensitizing the mechano-receptors to become hyper sensitive to motion, and the pain receptors to amplify pain from movement in the region of injury. The brain is also inhibiting movement by decreasing muscle strength to the muscles that move the region and increasing muscle tone to create stiffness in the region. All good actions on a fresh body injury.

The local injury region heals and the muscles are repaired, tendon and ligaments are repaired yet pain continues. The brains tissue protective map is still running, and unless movement and recovery of pain free range of motion to the injured area is activated, the brain map for pain can persist for years.

How do we Recover Movement & Reset Chronic Pain?

The new research on pain and mirror neurons has lead to new pathways of treatment to reset pain from the segmental level up, and the central brain level down. The process involves restoring the somatosensory map the brain so the individual can see his own body map clearly, so called “body awareness” and the brain from top down can inhibit pain. Regionally, the segmental pain region from bottom up can inhibit pain. We achieve a pain reset and recovery of normal movement and posture via the individuals own neurological systems.